Grow Your Wealth Exponentially By Expanding Your Mind

When it comes to growing your wealth significantly you need to change as a person in order to do that. You need new ideas, new belief systems and new ways of doing things if you want to move from middle class to truely wealthy.

0:00 – Introduction
0:55 – Rich people see the world in a different way
2:00 – 10 Years ago I changed my mindset and it led to me achieving financial freedom at 28
4:17 – Moving from middle class to becoming rich
6:17 – You need to inject new ideas into your life
8:09 – How to challenge yourself with new beliefs
11:50 – Learning to earn mid-high 6 figures

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It’s Ok To Make Financial Mistakes


Ryan 0:00
comes to growing your wealth significantly. You need to change as a person in order to do that there is wealth creation and growing your wealth really slowly and incrementally just by doing the basics, which is spending less than you earn, saving what you can and then investing and obviously that can build and compound over time. But if you look at the most successful and richest people, did they get rich by doing that by just working an average job saving a little bit each and every month? And then going ahead and investing that and growing it? The answer to that question is generally speaking, no, is that the most wealthy people are doing something completely different to us and looking at things in a completely different way to us. I’m currently reading the book fake by Robert Kiyosaki. And in that book, he talks about how he’ll go to seminars and talk about the way he invest in real estate with no money down or the types of deals that he does. And he says, inevitably, people always say to me, you can’t do that here, or I can’t do that here, for whatever reason. And then he answers back to them that they may not be able to do it here. But he can. So Robert Kiyosaki sees the world in a different way, and is just way more expansive around money than a lot of us more experienced, and can do deals that makes him millions of dollars, without costing him millions in a way that I couldn’t even fathom at this point in time. So there’s multiple ways to get wealthy. Obviously, there’s the basics of less than less than we earn, let’s pay off our debt, let’s accumulate assets. But then there’s this next layer on top of that is, actually let’s jump from poor, to middle class to wealthy. And to jump from I think middle class to wealthy just requires a massive change in mindset, and massive change in the way that you see money. I remember 10 years ago, I spent probably one or two months reading through almost every single Robert Kiyosaki book, just because I wanted to change the way that I saw money, and changed the way that I looked at things. And so I read and consumed these books every day for a couple of months, and just started to rewire my brain, looking at money, and looking at generating passive income, and focusing on that over building assets or the other things that people were focusing on, especially in the property investing space, at that point in time. And I just remember going through a massive transformation 10 years ago, when I was reading these books, and the way that I saw the world, and the way that I saw money changed dramatically. And then what happened over the next seven or eight years, is that I worked in a job at one point, but I built up a business on the side that generated me passive income, I saw an opportunity where if I created websites and wrote articles that they could rank, and they could get traffic and make money for years. So I’ve got a website that I made probably seven or eight years ago, that I haven’t touched in seven or eight years, that makes me $100 per month. And it’s passive, it’s worth that I did all those years ago, that is now making me passive income. And so because of that change in mindset and change of what I was focusing on, it changed the work that I did, and then change the outcome to get me to the point where I was financially free at 28. And had a couple of years where my business there was earning enough money that I didn’t really need to work. And now I no longer in that position with online space, things change, business went backwards. So I’ve got to work in order to grow my income. Again, I serve a lot of passive income coming in, but not enough to fund my lifestyle. And

I’ve now got some debt that I need to pay off as well. So, but that changed 10 years ago, had a massive impact on a decade of my life, and got me to a point at 28 that most people don’t reach until they’re 65 or 67. And so it was really cool to see where I got to and the type of business I created because I got my mindset right in the beginning. And because I decided to expand my mindset. So what I’m going to do now is a segment that I’m going to call money study, where we’re going to look at probably once a week, different ideas around money, different things that will change our minds, because I’m at this point now, where I’ve reached an area where you know, I’m solid, middle class, decent income earner, and I can do that through my business, I’m currently looking at getting a full time job as well to pay to earn extra money so I can pay off my debt faster. So I have passive income coming in from the business plus our income from the job. Obviously, those combined will be a higher income than if I just run the business. And so those combined will allow me to pay off debt, but I’m currently in the middle And what I want to do with my life is kind of step out of this low six figure range, and kind of really grow my wealth to the other six figures or even seven figures over the next decade of my life. And I think the way that I look at the world, the way that I look at work, the way that I look at money, the way that I look at business, is not going to get me there. And so I say this to people all the time is, is what got you here. And the strategies you use to get you here won’t get you there. And so you’re going to have to let go of a lot of things. And I’m going to have to let go of a lot of ideas around business around money, and all of that sort of stuff to get where I need to go. There’s basic financial fundamentals that I need to get right that I’m working on, which is spend less than you earn, don’t get into bad debt, right, and pay off that bad debt, start to build your assets. And I’m going to be doing all that stuff as well. So there’s those sound financial principles which will apply, across, you know, all different wealth categories, whether you’re poor, whether you’re middle class, whether you’re wealthy, but there’s just little changes in the way that you seen money and see the world. And so what I want to do is inject new ideas into my life, but then I want to go ahead and share those ideas with you. And these ideas are things that go against your belief system, and go against the cause of what you believe about money. Even I was, you know, listening to some Robert Kiyosaki stuff. And his wife, Kim said this thing, which I think was originally said by john D. Rockefeller, who was a billionaire, back in the day in the early 1900s, I think. And it’s the poor and middle class on everything, and control nothing, and the rich, own nothing and control everything. And just that idea, and I’ll probably create another video talking about, but the idea that the rich actually own nothing, but control, everything is insane. Because as middle class, you’re I want to own my own home, I want to own investment properties, I want to pay them off outright, and have that basic, basic financial freedom and basic level of support. And then when it comes to the rich is that well, the rich own nothing. And how do they do that? Well, obviously through the different ways that they craft their assets, they have asset protection in place, they use debt as a form of asset protection. So the banks might own the property, and they had debt on it. But they control the property, they get the cash flow benefits from the property without actually technically owning it. They do joint venture deals, all this sort of stuff. So even that one idea that the rich don’t own, things like that, they own nothing, because that means they’re not liable. But they control everything, and they get the benefits of that. So even that idea is just incredible. And so we’ll talk more about different ideas. And I think a lot of this is going to challenge what I believe a lot of this is going to challenge what you believe, and go against things that you’ve learned and things that have served you up until this point. And so what I like to do, when I am challenging myself with brand new beliefs is I like to take it back to first principles. And this is something I learned from listening to Ilan Musk, who runs Tesla and SpaceX. And first principles is the idea that rather than taking the general consensus, rather than taking what is assumed to be true, or rather than even taking what’s been done in the past, take it all the way back to first principles and work it out from there. So in regards to building a space rocket, extremely expensive to build a space rocket, insanely expensive. What Elan musk did was instead of saying, Okay, what has NASA done? What has

Russia done in terms of building space rockets? And how can I kind of tweak and improve upon that, he actually goes all the way back to the start and say, Okay, what materials are required for a space rocket? And then he looks at, okay, what is the cost of those raw materials? And then work from there to say, what’s the cost of those raw materials? And then how can we now design a spacecraft that it is going to be way more cheaper than what is currently being built? Or how can we not even what’s cheaper than being is currently being built? But how can we design the cheapest spacecraft and most effective spacecraft and obviously SpaceX has done amazing things with reusable boosters that come back down and land at the launch site, or they land in the water. There’s some really cool things that they’ve done that is massively reduce the costs of space exploration and getting stuff into space. And so coming back to first principles and with financial with finances and with ideas around money, rather than rejecting something because it goes against what you believe in What’s got you to this point. Let’s take our two beliefs. Let’s strip strip away what society Thanks, what has helped us up to this point, and let’s go back down to bedrock back down to first principles and say, okay, looking at the world through these two different lenses, which one’s going to serve me better and get me to where I want to go? Even the idea that Robert Kiyosaki has that your home is not an asset. And he redefines the term asset from, I guess what the English dictionary would say, is an asset, which is something that has value that can be sold or traded to something that actually generates cash flow into your life. And a liability is something that takes cash flow out of your life. So while Roberts definition of an asset is technically incorrect, according to the English dictionary, if you take it down to bedrock, take it down to those first principles and say, okay, which belief is actually going to serve my life and move me to where I want to go. If I adopt the belief that an asset is something that generates cash flow, then I’m now going to go forward seeing the world in a very different way. And I’m going to look for opportunities that generate cash flow, and I’m not going to be so focused on how valuable that asset is, and what the English definition of it is. So having the two different beliefs are going to lead your life in very, two very different directions. And so even with Robert Kiyosaki his belief that an asset is something that generates cash flow, I’m not, I’m not ignoring the fact that things hold value and things go up in value that stocks and property can go up and down in value, I’m not ignoring that. But I’m choosing to take on something extra, which is the cashflow something, and a focus on generating something like that. So we’re going to need to fundamentally change the way that we see money if we want to go from middle class up to wealthy and I can see that that’s a huge gap in my life, and a journey that I want to go on. And so looking at my life looking at the debt that I have, there’s ways that I can immediately solve it, which is to get a full time job and obviously boost my income and pay off the debt. But what I want to do is actually expand myself move to a higher level of consciousness, and work out how to earn significantly more amounts of money. So rather than just earning low six figures, how can I start to earn mid to high six figures, which would then solve my debt problem anyway, and get me in a position where it’s gonna be really easy to acquire more assets. So yeah, this is something that I’m going to explore probably a little segment called money study, maybe about once a week, and just talking about these mind bending ideas around money, you may agree with some of them, you may disagree with some of them. But by expanding our mind, by challenging our belief systems around money, it’s going to allow us to see the world in a brand new way to move to a higher level of consciousness, and ideally, achieve wealth that we could never have achieved, if we just did the stock standard of, okay, we own what we own, let’s just spend less pay off debt, slowly invest and, you know, slowly climb up like this, let’s actually change our mindset. So rather than starting here, with our income here, and slowly growing, you know, we can step up to new levels of income and new opportunities, that just wouldn’t be possible for us at this level of mindset. So I’m really excited to do that in my own life. And I’m really excited to share that on the channel. And so I hope you’ll come on the journey with me with money study, to learn about mind bending ideas around money, and how the wealthy view money, really excited to share this with you. While you’re here, go ahead and check out a recent video I did, where I talked about making financial mistakes, is actually Okay, and that it’s not a bad thing. And that’s one fundamental belief that I’ve

had to rewire in myself this week, actually, which is when you make financial mistakes, you are taught in your training that if you make financial mistakes, you’re actually stupid, because finances are obvious, and finances are logical. And if you’re making mistakes, it means you’re not adhering to logic, you make emotional decisions or dumb decisions. But that’s not actually the case. Financial mistakes are actually part of the journey. And part of how we grow and part of how we learn. And part of how we step up from where we are now to where we want to be in terms of wealth, we’re going to have to go through intense mistakes and intense learning difficulties to get there. So that’s something that I’ve just learned, and I’m really excited to rewire and had to come in except that in my life that I have made a lot of financial mistakes. And rather than feeling stupid about that, which I did, I did for a long time for the last six months. I’ve just felt like I’m a dum dum. Rather than thinking that thinking okay, I made some mistakes admitting it. Yeah, I could have done better. But what is the learning from this, and how can I use this to massively expand who I am As a person and massively expand my finances, so I’m going to go ahead and link up to that video on how it’s okay to make financial mistakes and how those mistakes can actually help you on your journey towards wealth. So, go ahead and check that out. Otherwise until next time, stay positive