A Sneak Peak At My New Suburb Research Course (Ep311)

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Suburb research is hard. I’m releasing a new course to help you understand what data to collect, how to collect it and how to make sense of it.

Suburb or area research is a big problem that people have when they’re going to invest in property. Because when you’re investing in property, you’re also investing in that particular market and there’s market dynamics at play. Then you really need to do your research before investing because it’s not just the property that you’re looking at, it’s the suburb and the area that you’re looking at, as well.

Hey, I’m Ryan from onproperty.com.au, helping you find positive cash flow properties. Today, I just wanted to let you guys know about my new course that’s coming out on Suburb Research – 7-point Investor Checklist.

This is a video series where I’m going to teach you guys how to do suburb research and I’m also going to provide you with a one-page checklist where you put in 7 points of data. So rather than looking at hundreds of different points of data, I’ve identified 7 key indicating data points for an area that you can research and that you can look at.

And you can actually make sense of, because if you watched the last video that I did on the biggest mistakes people make about suburb research, you’ll understand that people either collect too much data or they collect data that they don’t understand. So I don’t want you to waste time collecting data you don’t understand. I only want you to collect data that you can actually take action on or data that influences your decision.

So we’ve got that one-page checklist with 7 data points in it. Basically, the course will be – it will be a video course. I think it’s about 8 or 9 videos, because we’ve got an introduction and a conclusion video, and we’ll discuss those 7 individual data points. I’ll walk you through them and I’ll walk you through how do you actually find these data points quickly. And then, also, how do you make sense of this data and what does this data mean.

What I’m going to do now is flick over to the video about Suburb Research – The 7-point Investor Checklist. Go ahead and watch that and then I’ll be back at the end to discuss it in more detail.

Do you find it hard to know where to invest? Of all the suburbs, of all the areas across Australia, how do you know the best place for you to invest in? Maybe you found an area that you’re potentially in but you just can’t really work out whether it’s going to be a good area to invest in or not. Maybe you’ve even gone to the effort of getting an RP Data report or a Residex Report or you view some sort of online tool but you don’t know what the data means.

And you don’t know how they got the predictions and what these predictions are telling you about this particular suburb. You just don’t trust it, you’re not confident and you want to understand whether or not a suburb is going to be good or whether it’s not going to be a good place to invest in.

First, let me just say, you’re absolutely not alone. This problem affects, I don’t know, every single investor out there. It is extremely difficult to understand a suburb to the point where you can predict its growth or even to the point of understanding, is this suburb going to provide a steady return or is this a sinking ship that is going to go down and go down drastically, like the Titanic?

A major, major part of investing is understanding the area that you’re investing in. There’s so much data out there, there’s so much overwhelm that people experience because of all the data. They just don’t know how to make sense of it.

So what I’ve done is I’ve broken things down to find out the 7 most important things about an area. The things that you really need to know in order to get a baseline understanding of that area and to gain the confidence to invest in that area or to go ahead and do further research.

I approach my suburb research very different to a lot of people. Rather than trying to predict the growth of a suburb, “Oh, yes. This area is going to grow 14% per annum for the next 5 years. Upon which, it will then move into a lower growth cycle.” You know what I’m talking about, all these predictions out there that are just saying, this is going to happen this way and it never does, does it? We’ve all seen predictions that an area’s going to grow and it doesn’t grow.

So, rather than trying to predict the growth of the area, what I actually try and do is mitigate the risk and look for red flags in an area. That’s what I call indicators that an area may decrease in value or even stagnate. So rather than going after the hotspot, going after the area that’s going to grow exponentially over the next 2 years and make me $1,000,000 overnight, I’m looking for steady areas that I can assume will grow steadily over the next few years.

I’m actually searching for the red flags that indicate otherwise. It’s a different approach to suburb research than most people take. Rather than searching for the things that indicate this area is about to boom, we’re actually looking for the things that are indicating is this area going to decrease? And then if we find those things, we can do more research or we can avoid that area.

I’ll show you, step-by-step, what data to collect and how to actually make sense of that data. We’re not just collecting data for data’s sake. We’re only collecting the data we need to get a better understanding of the area. Plus, I’ll provide you with an easy-to-fill-out, one-page 7-point investor checklist on how to research an area. This checklist is easy to fill out, so it’s going to make researching an area really quick and easy for you. And it’s going to make comparing one area to another even easier.

A little secret for you, that’s where there real power is. Rather than just looking at the data for one area, comparing that area to another area to another area to another area is where you really get your understanding of what a suburb is like and whether you want to go ahead and invest in that suburb.

Inside the 7-point investor checklist on suburb research, you’re going to get 8 training modules on how to collect the data for the suburb, how to make sense of that data and how to research a particular suburb. You’re also going to get that printable checklist, it’s a one-page checklist with all those 7 main points on there that you can fill out for each individual suburb or area that you’re interested in.

Every single membership comes with my 365-day money-back guarantee. So if you’re unhappy with this course for any reason, simply request a refund within the first year and it will be granted to you. I’m taking all the risk on this, you’ve got a full year to try it out and request a refund if you’re unhappy.

So if you’re struggling to understand what is a good area to invest in or you’re lacking the confidence to go ahead and invest in an area that you’re interested in, then this 7-point investor checklist is for you. It’s going to help you understand the basics of an area.

It’s going to help you look for those red flags to indicate that an area may not be the best place to invest in. And it’s going to help you actually understand the data that you’re collecting so that you can make an educated decision an that you can get the confidence that you need to actually go ahead and take the plunge and invest in property and get the growth that you so desire.

I’ve had a lot of fun putting this course together; I think it’s going to be extremely useful for you. So if you are interested in this course and you want to get better at suburb research, click the Get Stared button below this video and quickly discover if an area is a good place to invest or if it’s a sinking ship.

Okay guys, so there you have the sales video or the introduction to Suburb Research, that 7-point investor checklist. This is kind of a part of a series that I’m doing. So, I will launch a course on how to find positive cash flow properties, I’m now launching this course on how to do suburb research and in the next month or so, I’ll be launching a course on how to do property research.

The goal is for if you’re missing one of those areas, so you don’t know how to find the properties, you can do that course. If you don’t know how to do the suburb research, you can do that course. If you don’t know how to research the individual property, then you can do that course. So they’re like separate silos or you could do it all to kind of build up your knowledge about how to find and research properties.

I’m really excited to launch this course to you guys. It’s going to be launching on the 15th of October, that’s when all the content will be complete. All of it will be ready and you can purchase it and it’ll just be instantly delivered to you. However, I did want to offer you guys the opportunity to get in early, to pre-purchase this product. And if you want to do that, I am offering a 20% discount if you purchase before midnight on the 14th of October.

So just go to onproperty.com.au/suburb in order to check out this course and to see whether it’s for you and to get that 20% discount. It is a course, I’m going to be launching it at $100, so 20% off makes it $80 at the moment.

I think this course is going to help a lot of people. I am going to try and do a couple more videos – free videos on how to do suburb research and some interesting tips and stuff like that. But if you want the full course, definitely, it’s going to be so valuable, totally worth it, help so many people to avoid investing in areas that are declining or that are at risk of declining.

I hope that this is helpful to you. You can check out the course at onproperty.com.au/suburb. And until next time, stay positive.