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Twitter is an extremely popular social media platform and many millions of people go on there every single day. Today I want to talk about how you as a real estate agent or rental manager can use Twitter to target people in your local area to get more customers to get more lead or even to find people who are potentially going to sell their property.
That means that you can target people in the area that you’re in who are interested in looking at a property to buy or to rent or so forth. So let me jump on my computer and I’ll show you exactly how it works and exactly how you can use this technique and start getting leads today or tomorrow or the next day.
Alright guys so I want to show you how to use twitter to market real estate service or your real estate firm and how do you know when is out there in your local area as well. So not just all over Tweeter but also in Australia and in your local area.
Advanced Search
So we’re going to use a tool called ‘advanced search’ which is at twitter.com/search-advanced but you can go onto Google and you can type ‘Twitter Advanced search tool ‘or ‘Twitter search advance’ and its going to bring up that tool for you.
So what we can do is we can use this tool to look for people who are using certain keywords or certain phrases and we can actually narrow it down to our local area. We can type in ‘buy a house’ and where should we look, let’s say any you’re in ‘Melbourne’.
Then we just click Search and what is that going to do is going to look for people who have the phrases ‘buy and house’ in their twitter feed. So you can see you’re going to have a lot of ads and people who try to mock you on Twitter.
One person was saying ‘I am so over bunkbeds, someone rich please buy me a house..’ Ok, well that looks like a kid so we are not going to deal with that.
Open The Doors Of Communication
A person called “dragonroost” said ‘lol to the old generations way of thinking, I cannot save enough to buy a house in two years with the job that I have.’ We can see this person thinking about buying a house but that they obviously don’t believe that they can afford it.
We then just hit reply to that and we can talk something inside, you can say ‘I’ve already done it, don’t lose hope, it is achievable if you think outside of the box’
I’m not telling them ‘go to this particular page sign up with me’. I’m opening the doors of communication and if they want to then go ahead and look at my profile, then they will see my website maybe, they must sign up for my email news letter or if they are ever going to buy a house they might think of me.
If we go further down we can see this person Ricky “I hired a financial advisor to help me with the budget in order to buy a house by the time I’m 25”. Alright so that’s great so we’ll look at Ricky’s profile, we can say that they are in Melbourne, we can see some of the other things they have written, they obviously love Simpson’s…
We can here reply to that and I have already done it. I answered “Go Ricky! Buying a property can be a great move forward. Are you looking for positive or negatively geared properties or a home?”. So I asked the question and hopefully he will tweet back and then we can open up a conversation. Maybe I can direct him into the free eBook that I have and helping out along the journey.
You are going to have to filter through all the posts because some of them are good but most of it is going to be pretty rubbish. It does come down to experience using that tool – knowing what keyword phrases to search for but using simple ones like ‘buying a house’ or ‘house renting’ or ‘buy a house’ or ‘buy a property’ is going to get you started.
Here is Rebecca Maree saying ‘buying a house or travel to Europe, why can’t I have both?’ Let’s reply to that I’m going to say ‘you could have both if you invest in positive cash flow because it will pay it for itself so it could pay for you trip.’
If you were a real estate agent, you could say ‘what’s your budget- maybe you could do both’.
Then you keep scrolling down and you can keep looking at more but there is an example of people buying a house. If you are rental manager you could also do it for that.
Let’s type in ‘place to rent’ maybe someone is saying ‘I need a place to rent’. Where should we look? Let’s just go to Melbourne again because it’s easy and we’re just clicking search and we can see people tweeting here.
Someone is saying ‘finding a place to rent is exhausting but it feels necessary, anyone else looking for a place?’ I am going to hit reply and say ‘that shouldn’t be exhausting, what are you having trouble with? Maybe I can help you out.’
Getting Leads And Drive Awareness To You
As a real estate agent you can say that or you can tweet that person and you can say that to them. Then we can see ‘if anyone know someone who would like to rent three bedroom place in Melbourne to some nice people let me know, homelessness is baltz’ meaning they’re obviously not happy with it.
So you got someone who’s looking for a place to rent so you’ve got a rental property, you could hit reply to that and you could say ‘I’ve got a place to rent in Melbourne, what do you think of this one? Give me a call, I’ve got others on my books as well. What’s your budget?’
You could do so many things with this. Then you can keep scrolling down and do that. So there is a way that you can use tweeter as a real estate agent in the local area to get leads and to drive awareness to you and to your brains, into the properties that you have.
So I hope that that technique was useful for you, pretty simple- you’re just doing keyword search like you would in Google by UGA targeting it so you’re making sure that the person is within your area and then the important thing is that we’re not spamming them. We’re not going to go out, we’re not going to tell people buy this property, here is a great property for you because we just read a tweet that’s a 130 characters long.
We don’t know exactly what they want, the whole idea of this marketing strategy is to open the doors with this potential investor or potential client, to get them to know us, to get them to understand us and then hopefully that will lead to a sale or commission or whatever in the future.