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What On Property meet ups, events or gatherings are happening in the future? Get notified of future events.
Hi guys, Ryan here from On Property, your daily dose of property education and inspiration. Today’s question came from an On Property Plus member again, and they were asking me about when we are going to have On Property meet-ups, events or gatherings.
He would love to meet me and to connect a network with other like-minded individuals. Truthfully this question was the first I had ever thought about having On Property meet ups or gatherings or those sorts of events.
Currently there’s no meet-ups and there’s no events planned but that could change in the future.
If you want notifications on when we’re going to have an event, head over to our events page and enter your email address and we’ll notify you whenever we are having any events. This will also be a good gauge to see if people do go through this and are interested in events. If we have interest then maybe it’s going to be worth having an event. I hope that answers your question.
Until tomorrow, remember that your long-term success is only achieved one day at a time.