The Complete Self Leasing Kit Progress Update 1st September 2014
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The complete self leasing kit will help you lease your property without the cost of a rental manager. Launching 1st October 2014 here is a progress update.
Self-leasing your property without the help of the rental manager can be a great way to save thousands on your property every single year. However, that’s not something that’s extremely easy to do. There’s a lot of documentation that goes into it, and you need to do the right things, so that everything is above board. That’s why, on the first of October, I’m going to be launching the complete self-leasing kit over at LEASER.COM.AU. And what I want to do is something a little bit different with this product. It’s because I’m pre-launching it, I want to show you guys weekly updates of what I’m doing inside the site and how the website is progressing. Now, we’ve already had eight people sign up for the “Pioneer” account, which gives you a 50% discount of the launch price, which is going to be $29.95. There’s only 2 of those “Pioneer” accounts left, then the 50% discount will be gone and we’ll be moving on to the “Early Bird” discount, which is 30%, and we’re gonna have 10 of those.
So, thank you so much for everyone who’s signed up, really appreciate your support. And your support and funding has helped making this product a reality, so I wanna show you inside the website, so that you can know exactly what you gonna be getting access to. So here we are, inside the website LEASER.COM.AU. This is what you’ll see once you get an account and once you log in. Everyone who signs up actually gets early access, but I’m building at the site, so there’s actually not a lot there, at the moment. You can see that it is icon base, really easy to navigate, and if we shrink that down, it’s gonna look great on your iPhone, or your iPad, or your android device as well. So, it’s made from the ground out to work on mobile devices. We’re going to have an area where all your documentation and contracts will be, so that you know exactly what we need to provide to the tenants, exactly what documentation you need, so that you’re not missing anything. Have a look at that page, it’s very crude at the moment, I’m currently building it up, as we can see, organizing it by state. Currently we just got a residential lease agreement. We don’t have TAS,ACT or Northern Territory at the moment, and there’s so much more documentation that I’ll be building up. I think, eventually there’ll be clickable map here, and New South Wales will have its own page, Victoria will have its own page, and so forth. Just because there’s so much that you need to provide to the tenant, and documentation you need to sign with the tenant, that I think it makes sense to have individual pages for the states. We’re also going to have information about lodging a bond, going to have training videos on how to effectively market your property, what are the best websites to market on, how you can get your property on,, or that sort of stuff. We’ll have lessons on checking your tenants, so how do you ensure that you get a good tenant for your property and minimize your risk of getting a dodgy tenant – this will cover background checks and having the right application forms and all that sort of stuff. We’ll have a section on tutorials about receiving money and how you can receive money. We’ll talk about firing your manager, so, if you currently have a rental manager, we can help you get rid of them or understand how to get rid of them. We’ll talk about your obligations as a tenant, as a landlord, and what you need to do for your tenant. We’ll talk about inspections, how to arrange inspections, we’ll have checklist in there… We’ll look at conflict resolution, which is really important, what you do in certain circumstances, what are the forms that you need if the tenant hasn’t paid the rent, how do you go through trial, you know, all that sort of stuff. We’ll have advanced tactics – this is where we cover how to get the tenant to pay water and anything else that comes up. We’re gonna look at potentially putting in some email and sms templates, things that you can send your tenants if they haven’t paid rent on time or if you’re having some sort of issue. This will be an “on demand” thing, so if you need it, we’re going to create it. And then we’re gonna talk about keeping records. What records should you keep, what will other real estate agents ask you, and all of that sort of stuff. So, basically that’s what’s gonna be going on in the self-leasing kit, super excited to launch this product, pretty excited to make it, I’ll be back next week with an update, and you can see how the site is progressing and what we have in there. Thanks for watching, and if you wanna gets access to the complete self-leasing kit, and those discounts that are available, go to LEASER.COM.AU, that’s L-E-A-S-E-R.COM.AU. We’ve got two 50% discounts remaining for those “pioneer” accounts, and then we’ve got 10 early bird accounts for the 30% discount, and after that get we’ll go to the “Pre-launch”, which is a 20% discount, then after that it’ll be full price for everyone and eventually the price is gonna be going up to, probably around $50, I think is where we’ll probably end up on this product. So thanks for watching, I’ll be back next week with another update.