Share A Property Article With A Friend (Day 8) – 30 Day Property Journey

Sharing a property article with a friend is a great way to engage with your learning and to be inspired on your property journey.

Welcome to the 30 Day Property Journey. Over the next 30 days I’m giving you some activities (some little things) that you can do to become a more confident investor so that you can go out there and buy your own property.

Flicking through the pages of a magazineToday I have an activity for you which is going to be sharing a property article with a friend. I’m going to talk about how to do this, why to do this and what you can get out of it.

The idea of this activity is two fold.

Get Motivated To Read Articles Yourself

Firstly sharing an article with a friend will motivate you to actually read some articles yourself.

The good thing about sharing an article with a friend is that you’re actually going to have to do some recon and work out whether or not this article is going to be interesting to someone else and whether they are actually going to get something out of it.

So rather than just choosing any random article and sending it on you want to make sure that this article is going to add value for your friend. You need to think about them and their situation and how this might help them.

Rather than just thinking about yourself and what you can get out of it this exercises forces you to think more deeply about the content you are reading.

Think about someone in your life that you can potentially add value to by sending this article through. Go on the hunt and find them a great article.

Where To Find Property Investing Articles

We have hundreds of articles in the On Property Archives.

There is also Your Investment Property Mag’s Website.

There is Smart Property Investor.

There is API Magazine’s website

Everyday Property Investing

Pumped On Property

There are so many different websites out there that you can check out and maybe you can find something that’s going to be good for your friend.

Share A News Update Or A ‘How To’ Article

the very act of me sending that useful information to someone else really encouraged meIt might be something about the current markets. Eg. The RBA has just announced today (as I record this) that they are keeping interest rates at the standard rates so there is no increase).

So maybe you’ve got a friend who owns a house or an investment property and you can find an article about the interest rates and send it to them to just say “hey just so you are aware there are no changes in interest rates today”.

Or maybe you can find an article about increasing the rental yield of your property or how to figure how a property is going to be rented when you purchase it.

Maybe you could share one of the property journey articles with them. Maybe yesterday’s one where we were talking about giving yourself a weekly allowance or maybe day number one about finding your financial true north.

Its really up to you what you share and I don’t care what you share. This activity is more to get you more passionate about reading about property, learning about property and also taking a backward step and thinking “well who in my life can I actually share this journey with? Who can I send an article to that might help them?

You don’t have to go through the entire journey with someone or meet up every single day to talk about things like this and like that but if you have people around you that you can encourage in this journey then that’s going to encourage you as well.

When I started out my business in internet marketing and went full time there were a few friends of mine who were also starting businesses at the same time or who were about to go into business or who had side businesses. So when I found things that were interesting OR might be helpful to them I sent those through to try and help those people.

Whether they watched the YouTube videos I sent them or whether they read the articles I sent them doesn’t actually matter because the fact was the very act of me sending that useful information to someone else really encouraged me in what I was doing.

It really reminded me that hey, I am on this journey and that there is so much I can learn. Just the act of sharing it really pushed me forward and encouraged me to keep going.

So there you have activity for day number 8 – go on the internet find an article and share it with someone. Maybe even share it through FaceBook or through social media or something like that.

If you share an On Property article with someone shoot me an email and let me know so I can say a MASSIVE THANK YOU. My email is [email protected] and if you share an On Property article then I just want to give you my sincerest gratitude.

I am so thankful for all the people that I get to help and all the people that read my stuff and if you share my stuff I am so thankful that you would actually do that to encourage people in this journey as well.

Because that’s what we want do, we want to achieve financial freedom, generate passive income and live the life that we dream and if you are helping me to help people do that then you are a brother or a sister of mine and thank you very much.

Until tomorrow stay positive.