What Is The Mid Cycle Slow Down And How Might It Affect Property Prices?

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The mid cycle slowdown is a point where asset prices around the world are priced in and we start to get a wobbly market. We can also identify some potential trends and effects it has on the Australian property market
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0:00 – Mid cycle slowdown introduction
1:14 – What is the 18-20 year cycle
4:17 – The difference between a mid cycle slow down and GFC style event
6:05 – Why it is important to know about the mid cycle slow down
7:23 – After the mid cycle slow down does Brisbane historically do better?
12:01 – This is just one indicator of many you should look at before investing
12:51 – How can we take advantage of the mid cycle slowdown to move towards financial freedom?
16:14 – Then overlay your strategy on top of these cycles
19:07 – Using timing the cycles to reduce your risk significantly
21:11 – Ben’s personal investment strategy
22:53 – Look for these 3 things when investing in an area
24:01 – Brisbane is cheaper to buy now than it was 10 years ago! WTF?!
25:29 – Reducing your downside risk so you can achieve financial freedom
26:54 – Stop trying to get lucky in order to achieve financial freedom
28:26 – Looking at what you can control in your investing and life
31:37 – Next steps if you want to start investing

Phil Anderson’s Book: The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking – https://onproperty.com.au/thesecretlifeofrealestateandbanking
Fred Harrison’s Book – https://amzn.to/2SYV5De


For those of you who haven’t heard about this concept of the mid cycle slow down, it’s effectively these points that we’ve been in for about the last six months where asset prices around the world are fully priced in and we start to get a bit of a wobbly market. Maybe it’s a stock market, maybe it’s the crypto market, maybe it’s the property market. So today’s video, Brian and I are from on property. You’re going to explain exactly what that is and Ryan just going to ask me a couple of questions about it.

Yeah, so Ben has always yammered on about the mid cycle, slow down and about Phil Anderson and the 18 year cycle and always recommended me his book. And given that it’s only an audiobook format, I still haven’t read it even though I should, but I know that we’re entering into this time in the market where it is what [inaudible] would call a mid cycle, slow down. I don’t know as much about it as Ben does. So I thought it would be a good chance to ask Ben some questions, get some ideas on what exactly is a mid cycle slow down and how does it affect markets? Because I know me and knew Ben have had conversations off camera about how Brisbane tends to do well after the mid cycle slow down, whereas Sydney and Melbourne tend to do well before the mid cycle slows down. So we’ll talk about that sort of stuff as well. So do you wanna start by talking about what is the, I don’t know, 18 year cycle and how does a mid cycle slowdown and fit into that? What are the other parts of the cycle?

Yeah, so the cool thing about the world and the property market’s economies, businesses, governments is they all work in these cycles. Sometimes things are good and going up sometimes seem to bad and they’re going down in every single asset in the world runs in a cycle. Now some guys like Warren Buffet and Ray Dalio save it is, you know, seven to 10 years. So I called some other people like Phil Anderson and Fred Harrison’s. Say that there’s a, you know, more 18 to 20 year cycle, which is effectively just two of the Warren Buffet, 10 year cycles in play. Now all it is is effectively we have a recession or a great depression or a GFC all like the 1990 [inaudible] recession. We had to have all the great depression and a lot of the money leaves the marketplace and things get really, really, really cheap and depressed. And then what happens is governance around the world and bank style pumping money into the economy to try and get things stimulated again and over that seven or eight years of pump priming, they call it the market goes up around the world.

Land prices go up, stock markets go up, crypto and crap like that goes up. And then we get to this point where all of that cheap money has gone into the economy and things are starting to turn again. Businesses, a good unemployment rates are low and then the banks generally because of pressure from the governments around the world go, Holy Shit, we’ve overleveraged ourselves a little bit. We need to take the foot off the gas and then they start increasing interest rates a little. They started making it harder to raise to get money like that had did in Australia for the last two years and then all of a sudden, you know because of the money stops things go a little bit flat or in the stock market basically based on, you know, a couple of years of couple of hundred years of history or 70 years of history in the American exchanges. We normally get a dip in stock market prices and then we be out of this period which lasts somewhere between generally 12 and 24 months and we go into the second half of the cycle because everyone believes that things are moving forward. Again, people go absolutely crazy in that second half of the cycle and that’s where things really go up. And then we get to a point where everything is just overpriced, people are completely over leveraged and we come into a decline phase again. And in that instance it’s a really bad one.

So it’s kind of like you have a really bad recession followed by a smaller recession and then you have a really bad recession again. So I’m guessing 2008 was the really bad recession and we’re talking about mid cycle down is coming into a smaller style recession. Maybe this year, maybe next year, maybe the year after sort of time period.

Yup. And then coming out of that we’d go crazy again. Now the difference between the mid cycle, which is where we are now and the GFC style event is in the mid cycle. Slow down. I’ve still got cash in the bank. You’ve got cash in the bank. The banks have clean, healthy balance sheets because they’ve cleared out all the shitty mortgages over the last seven years. There’s no default says people paying money. People have equity, you know, cashflows, good incomes, good unemployment’s really high. And so there’s all of this money, whether it’s, you know, the banks, whether it’s governments, the Australian government’s going into surplus again this year. Apparently it’s individuals. We’ve all accumulated cash and a lot of us were still scared by the last cycle, haven’t done anything. Um, and so there’s money there. And so when we do go through a bit of a shitty time, the government’s got surplus, the banks have got surplus, the pump, the economy again with money and it pushes it out at the mid cycle slowdown or recession point and into a good market again.

But when we get to the top, mums and dads don’t have savings. The stock markets ridiculously overpriced. The property markets around the world are overpriced and people start going into default at that time because of really unresponsible lending, normally driven by America. And then that has a knock on effect all the way around the world and the, and the top comes off and it goes to a really bad bottom. Generally at that time, stock market’s declined by 50 to 60% and property markets around the world declined by between 20 and 60% as well. We’re in the mid cycle, slow down point. Sometimes there’s no effect on property prices, but the stock market should get a pretty heavy hit in the next couple years if history has to repeat itself.

Yeah. Which obviously we don’t have a crystal ball, so we’re never sure whether or not that’s going to happen. So with the mint cycles slow down, why is it important for people to know this if they’re investing in property in Australia and how has it, if it has at all affected property prices?

Yeah. Sounds some of the mid cycle slowdown points because it feels book the secret life of real estate and banking. He looks at 250 years worth of these cycles in America.

Yup. And I’ll lean up. I’ll link up to both Phil Anderson’s book and Fred Harrison’s book in the description down below. If you want to check that out, you can go and purchase those books for yourself.

Yeah. And in Fred’s book he looked at 350 years of the UK property market booms and busts and how that affected business economies and the stock market. So they’ve got a good understanding of history and the patterns and you know, generally in Australia does one or two things, property prices go relatively flat. Stock markets might take a beating like they will around the rest of the world historically. Um, you know, or sometimes property prices like they are in Sydney and Melbourne right now and maybe in other parts of Australia, like Darwin and Perth might come back by somewhere between 10 and 15 or 20% but they’re not going to go, you know, 40 50% which is what they can do at other times of the cycle.

Yeah. So I think what I want to talk about, his conversations that we’ve had in the past where there’s been indicators that Sydney and Melbourne tend to do well before the mid cycle slow down. So after a larger recession or depression than Sydney and Melbourne tend to bounce back first, which obviously we’ve seen that happen from 2012 through to 2016 17. Um, we saw Sydney and Melbourne go gangbusters. And then after the mid cycle, slow down, then it’s time for Brisbane and other areas in Australia to shine. Has this historically happened in the past?

Yeah, so what I’ve done is I’ve, cause I love the data. I’ve looked at, you know, high only give this incredible report of 46 years worth of Australian property prices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. And so I overlaid feels timelines against that data, which was from the Australian Bureau of stats plus core logic and call logics or said an incredible article on this where they looked at the, the last 40 years worth of data broken into five year periods. So you’ve got, you know, effectively eight periods. And what I did when I overlaid that data with, um, my own analysis type thing is I realized that Sydney and Melbourne just go fucking crazy in the first half of the cycle life. That five year period after a GFC event all will not be buying anywhere else in Australia outside of Sydney and Melbourne because based on the last out of the 990 [inaudible] recession plus 2008 one property prices in those markets over that, you know, 10 year period after that did an average of over 70% in that 10 years, which is exceptional growth. But then I looked at the 10 years that we’re coming into now and generally the average has only been 14% per annum in Sydney and Melbourne according to like my little analysis of it now. Right.

14% per annum sounds really good.

Sorry, 14% in total. Okay. Any period. Yeah. And so if anyone that’s a bit different per annum. So in Sydney, right, like we had this incredible run. And then for anyone that knows Sydney, you know, prior to this incredible rumbled, just had property prices that flat there for nine years before. And I was like a case that an outlier. Then I looked at the previous cycle and it goes very, very strongly out of their bottom. But then in the second half of the cycle, it doesn’t perform anywhere near as well. And then I looked at Brisbane and in the last two periods of this, you know, next five years we’re going into, it did something like an average of 84% over this next five year period where going into and I started to connect these dots and go, you know, I don’t know what my thoughts are on it. Like you and I both analyze that data, but it’s just, you can, you can sort of say coming with Brisbane being flat anyway, but you know, it’s just really interesting to see history sort of repeating itself again.

Yeah. I guess what we want to avoid is saying that we do have a crystal ball and that we know that that person’s going to do really well after the mid cycle. Slow down. What we can say is that looking at some data from the past is that Sydney and Melbourne tend to do well out of the larger recessions and depressions and then when you come into a mid cycle, slow down Brisbane tends to perform better after the mid cycle slowdown when compared to Sydney and Melbourne. And given that since 2008 Sydney or Melbourne did really well, Brisbane Dinant Brisbane had much slower growth than Sydney and Melbourne kind of is another indicator to look at when considering southeast Queensland in the fact that, you know, may be primed for growth after this mid cycle, slow down compared to Sydney or Melbourne.

And it’s not just Brisbane, it’s the major metro markets outside of Sydney and Melbourne as well as the major regional markets that aren’t attached to the Sydney and Melbourne. So there’s a good chance based on history that you purse your Adelaide’s and you Canberra’s as well as your Brisbane’s in southeast Queensland at least have potential, you know, this could be a different sense like this could be a different decade because asset prices are very high relative to income right now. You know there could be a decade where asset prices only tray part, that the rate of inflation across all of Australia to sort of normalize themselves and become affordable. But with the government pumping 300 engine 50 to 400,000 people a year into Australia, I highly doubt it.

Yeah. And then also it’s just one indicator of many as well. We have talked in other videos about investing in a strategy where you don’t need excessive growth in order to achieve success and achieve financial freedom. So we still obviously recommend that. We still obviously recommend doing intense suburb research to choose the best suburbs prime for growth in an area as well. So we don’t just saying invest in Brisbane and you’ll have success was saying that given the mid cycle, slow down, given the potential for these cycles. And what does happen. This is another indicator to look at when it comes to choosing where to invest.

Look, then the question of the title of the video is what is the mid cycle slowed down? But the reality of the question is how can you or how have I used that to your advantage?

Well that’s the thing. We want to achieve financial freedom through investing in property and how can we take advantage of the mid cycle, slow down to increase our chances of moving towards financial freedom with the investments that we make in the next year or two. I guess that’s the premise of the video and what we want to get out of it. It’s great to understand the mid cycle down in theory, but it’s better to actually understand how we can apply that to our own lives to achieve financial freedom.

So I, I didn’t know what this was until it was only three and a half, four years ago that I actually started to understand this information. But in my position because four years ago I kind of knew exact cause I also subscribed to fill his weekly newsletter and he just tells me exactly what’s coming next year and it’s to die. Like 80 has been their most accurate forecasting I’ve ever seen in my life. And what I did personally was I invested in Sydney and Melbourne in 2000 and uh, sorry, Sydney and the central coast in 2011 I rode that growth wave and I sold anything that I owned down there in 2016, 17 because I truly have bought into this concept of this cycle and I have taken that money and I sat on the fence for a little while and now that we’re in a buying environment, because to a lot of people, this might be a scary time to me it is the only time, once a decade to buy, you either buy in the mid stock was slowdown point or you if, you know, if you’re just using time to buy or you buy at the bottom of a depression, like, you know, so I’m using this time to buy and I made this time, this is actually been happening for a year.

People just don’t know where in it yet. Like when we look back with retrospect will go, ah, that’s when it was. Um, but you know, to accumulate high quality assets at way better prices than I could if I was competing with everyone else in the math that was firing, just set myself up to the second half of the cycle and then at the top of the second half of the sock lost, sell some of those assets in preparation to buy cheap at the bottom again. And then I’ll be in a great cash flow position at that time of the cycle to actually capitalize. So, you know, like it, it’s, it’s, it’s as simple as knowing when to buy and to sell and knowing which markets perform at different levels throughout different stages of the cycle. So Sydney and Melbourne to me, aren’t even an option to buy again until the next year of.

See, I’ve been hearing a lot of people that I’m talking to saying, I really want to use this year to buy a Sydney or Melbourne because it’s cheap. I’m like, it’s not cheap. It’s just gone down by 10% after rising by 100%. It’s actually ridiculously overpriced still. And it, it’ll come off maybe another three to, to 10% this year again. And so I just want people to be aware of that. Just because it’s a short term fluctuation doesn’t mean that that market is cheap or that the next decade after it drops, it’s just all of a sudden going to go back to business as usual and you’re going to get double digit growth every year. Again, it’s, it’s a balancing act, but it’s a really nice guide if you read those books to begin to understand stuff. And just to put everyone’s minds at ease the top of the next cycle according to Fred Harrison and Phil Anderson is 2026 so when we’re not even halfway through the 18 year cycle yet. Really.

Yup. And so I think also it’s important to then overlay your strategy on markets as well and on these cycles as well. Cause you’re talking about Sydney and Melbourne and not wanting to touch them or investing in Brisbane. But given what we talked about with the two properties to financial freedom and buying high quality assets that you can pay off over time. Um, it’s not just about capital growth and it’s not just about timing the market perfectly, but obviously we want to use the timing of the market to accelerate our investments as much as possible. So if we invest in the right area at the right time in our properties grow quite quickly, then the property is going to go up in value, meaning that we can potentially leverage against those properties in order to buy more properties. It also means that rents are going to likely go up on those properties as well.

Improving our cashflow, allowing us to pay off our properties faster. Or you can purchase those acceleration properties that we’ve talked about where the goal of those properties is to get equity growth and you could then grow those over a five or 10 year period and sell them to pay off your foundational property. So it’s not just all about the market, it’s also about overlaying your strategy on top of that. And that may be the two properties. So financial freedom strategy or maybe something else and you need to decide which market is going to be best for you and whether the properties in those markets meets your financial criteria to move you towards your goal. Like even Sydney at the moment, the rental yields there, uh, quite low. That even doing purchasing a property there and building a granny flat, the chance of getting a 7% rental yield versus somewhere like Brisbane, which may be a better part of the cycle anyway, and you can get that higher rental yield. You know, that’s something to think about as well. Looking at the rental yields and how that fits into your strategy too. So yeah, I guess I just want to say cycles important, but it’s not everything. You’re strategy is arguably more important than market cycles.

Yeah, well the two properties strategy has actually nothing to do with capital growth. It is purely CacheFly play. But let’s pretend that you actually overlaid timing on top of that cash flow play. You know, in 2010 you could have bought a property in Blacktown, a house on a nice big block. So $500,000 or $450,000 at the time was running for 500 bucks a week and you could have added the granny flat for 120 grand that’s running for 400 bucks a week. Now that same deal would cost you 1.21 point $3 million to right and the cashflow wouldn’t be any better. But if you hadn’t like had this strategy of providing good quality assets and cash flow but added in timing that 500 k plus 120 600 grand would now be worth one to one point $2 million. Plus you’re getting all of his cash flow and so you’ve used timing and the short term growth cycle to actually maximize the asset.

You know, you didn’t mention also risk like if your asset doubles in value, you know your LVR is much, much lower in. That makes you sleep a lot better at night as well in a bad time. So you know, if you could have bought in 2010 or 11 in Sydney and done the two properties to financial freedom strategy now like executed on that you’d be in this incredible cash by position with low debt and you would have written the cycle and that’s the opportunity people have in Brisbane now because you know, fast forward 10 years into the future, you know, Brisbane had good potential but get a little bit of growth and also execute that strategy that is no longer available in Sydney that you could never do in Melbourne because you can’t do granny flats.

Yeah. That’s something really interesting that you mentioned in decreasing your risk because obviously as a property goes up in value, your loan to value of the property or loan to value ratio goes down, so you’re probably doubles in value. Then you might end up at a 50% LVR versus maybe an 80 or 90% LVR, which just puts you in a such much better cashflow position. If the banks ever were to recall loans or anything like that or if the market did go backwards a bit or if things happened in your life and you have to sell, you’re in a much better position than someone who bought at the peak of the Sydney market. Now the property has gone down so that actually in a negative equity position and they’re kind of locked in to that property, no matter what life throws at them, they feel like they can’t sell it because they would lose money. So yeah, being in that lower risk situation is definitely beneficial because as I mentioned in previous videos, we want you guys to achieve financial freedom, not go bankrupt on the way there. So how many of the low risk strategy that’s got good cash flow is definitely going to help. So overlaying market timing on top of that, as you said, and I think you worded it so beautifully, is just gives you the ability to yeah, to just achieve it faster. You can accelerate it or lower your risk. Along the way.

My personal strategy, understanding this stuff for the last four years and forecasting mind future is literally comes down to this level of simplicity and that is I’ll always be active in the market. Are we buying the market that’s at its bottom stage of its cycle, whether that to Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane, all we looking to get as much cash far as I can out of that asset and I’ll be riding the wave of that asset. And then when I get to the top, deciding if I want to continue to hold it or exit it out to go rebuy the bottom or the flat period of the next market and it’s just going to be a rotating, you know, borderless investment style strategy of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, rinse and repeat based on what’s happening with the cycle, what’s happening with cashflow, what’s happening with sentiment and obviously the opportunity to buy it because Sydney and Melbourne right now feel expensive, but they had dirt cheap compared to where they’ll be in 20 years and Sydney and Melbourne feel expensive now.

And I truly believe in the next GFC already off to buy distressed assets, maybe not on real estate.com but from the bank or from the solicitors that are selling them, you know, taking possession, the public trustee for literally 50 60% in the dollar of what I can now. So why would I go by the now knowing that I’m in eight years time, I can still buy them 40% cheaper than I can today. Yeah. And you know, that’s, if that were giving me cash flow today, I might consider them. But if they’re not giving you cash fund and he’ll give me growth them, it’s an emotional reason why you buying there are, it’s just the comfort thing really. You like brutally honest. That’s sort of what it is.

No, it comes back to what we’ve talked about for years, which is you want cashflow, you want growth and you want the ability to manufacture growth. And so look for those three things in an area, overlay market cycles and timings on top of that because that’s obviously going to affect your growth and affects your cute future cashflow as well. Because even rents in Sydney at the moment tend to be going down. So yeah, growth, cashflow, manufacturer growth are the three things you guys want to be looking for. Mid Cycle slowdown. We hope that this, we hope that this helps you kind of understand it a bit more, a bit more what’s happening. Obviously time will tell as to see whether America and the world does head into a recession in the coming year or a couple of years and to see how that affects and to see how Brisbane does go over the next 10 years. And I think this’ll be a fun one to look back on and to say, you know, did this line up with what we thought might happen or what we completely off the mark here so we don’t know. But obviously we just want to increase our chances and Laura risk and that’s why we’re sharing this with you today so that you can increase your chance of upside and lower your risk of the downside.

You know, I love what you just said there about reducing your risk on the downside. Like you’ve got a choice as an investor over the next five years to buy the asset that’s being completely priced in Sydney or Melbourne with all that cheap money that’s flowing into there that shouldn’t really be there or to buy the asset that hasn’t moved since it’s actually cheaper to buy than it was with inflation factored in. Then before the last year of say, 10 years ago, really within Brisbane has done it an average of 2% per year according to core logic for 10 years and inflation has done between 2.5 and 3% so when you factor in inflation, it’s cheaper to buy Brisbane now than it was in 2007 yeah. Wow. Just think about that. Like you can buy the asset that it hasn’t been priced in with all this cheap money yet, but it will be in the second half of the cycle or you can buy the asset that is fully ballooned out and all of the cheap money like people in Sydney that are earning a hundred grand a year earning $2 million assets. Like that’s a, that’s, that’s just not, that’s like artificial money being priced into the market. And if they bought in 2008 to 2014 it’s not a problem. It’s only if you bought in 2016 17 expecting your $2 million asset to now be worth two and a half. Cause that’s the trajectory, you know, I dunno, this is just my little ramble.

Yeah. But I think the lowering your downside risk is super important because the strategy that we have come up with and that we’re working with clients on doesn’t require growth. And so we know that people achieve financial freedom whether they get growth or not. And so lowering people’s downside is a huge priority for us because if they don’t get the downside, then they’re going to go on to achieve financial freedom, whether they get the growth and it’s just an added benefit that if you’re investing to reduce your downside risks, you’re also investing to increase your chance of outside as well. So it kind of works.

I probably like, I don’t even look at my capital gains and my properties anymore because it is a relevant, like this is a purely cash flow play for me, but the smartest thing to reduce my risk is to just time the markets. And so I’m only interested in longterm gains because why not get them? I mainly interested in timing because I want better cash flow and buying opportunities when I’m buying. But the reality is I’m not looking at a single thing about it from the wake to wake annual holding and profit and loss statement across each property.

Yeah. So you’re not doing this to chase short term growth.

I ain’t, I ain’t care about buying Brisbin now because it might go up in seven years. I’m buying Brisbane now cause I can get a 7% rental yield on the property, 20 k’s in the save a day like and therefore I’m not, I’m not exposed to any of the downside that other people will be like, it’s weird man. You’ve completely walked my way of thinking

and hopefully we’re warping everyone else’s way of thinking as well because I feel like all the information out there just focuses on capital growth than short term capital growth and getting yourself in this negatively gear position where you’re tied to your job in order to try and get that capital growth. And then if you don’t get it, you’re fucked like, but if you do get it then you have success. So I just don’t want, I used to work in lotto and everyone would come in every week and I refuse to buy lotto tickets just because I saw that people were relying on trying to get lucky in order to set up their futures. And I feel like in the property market sometimes it feels like the same thing. People just relying on getting lucky through capital growth in order to set up their futures. I didn’t like that.

I love the cashflow play, but I also like being smart and hopefully we get lucky as well. You know you’re investing, you’re going to achieve it anyway. And if you get lucky then fucking bonus that you get to do it faster. You get to do at lower risks, that’s great. But if you don’t then you’re still going to get there anyway. You’re still gonna achieve financial freedom. You’re still going to be able to live the life that you want and work a job that you love because your financial security is set up. That’s what, yeah,

I think that’s the first time I’ve sworn on camera and that’s a good ranch from you. I like that. I’m sorry to all the moms that are just like Ryan. Um, cause I get some of those in the comments. Sorry guys. I swear a bit more often. One thing I did want to say, Bro, just to finish this off, is I’ve only seen in reading a bit about stoicism as a concept right now, not getting into it, but effectively with this way of thinking. There’s things in your circle of control and those things are very, very limited. And then there’s everything else going on around Ya. Now I can’t control what banks lend me money at. I can’t control the media sentiment. I can’t control if the average mum and dad wants to buy this year. Although they wait two years until everyone else is buying it again.

So they feel comfortable. You know, I can’t control any of those external things in the global market whether I want to or not. I can’t control if America goes into recession. But the things that are inside my, my scope of control are how I spend $1 and how I think about that dollar and what sort of expectations I have for it. Now for me, the thing I can control right now, because they can see rates of chronically low in southeast Queensland Cause in certain pockets there’s a huge under supplied that can’t be filled properly cause there’s no density to fill it. And I go well if I buy this house and worst case scenario at rents for this and then I build this granny flat and worst case scenario at rents for this, that’s in my scope. And if I do that and then slowly use the extra income to pay off debt over time, plus a bit of my own business income to pay off debt, then regardless of if the property goes backwards by 50% in the next 15 years, which has a 0% possibility of happening over 15 years, maybe at times in the 15 years it’ll be 50% cheaper, but over 15 years the averages will work out for me and I will be cashflow positive anyway and I’ll own that property outright and that property will be giving me a passive income stream for life.

So that’s within my scope of control and so many people right now I feel like a thinking about all this external stuff, what does that actually have to do with your strategy? What does that actually have to do with the history of performance of Brisbane? What does that actually have to do with you actually getting out of your job and doing what you want to do is turn out like for me personally, like it is such an exciting time to buy. I have a two year, we noticed sorts stuff out before. Unfortunately I’m competing with everyone else again and then you know, they’ll drive the prices up and then I’ll have to have to wait again to really buy well.

Yeah. And that’ll be me. I’ll be buying in two years when I’m competing with everyone else again and well I’m sure we’ll do a video about how we can do that well and do that successfully anyway. But I’ll go again

in the next two years. No one’s missing anything. I’m just sad life, you know. And you’ll always be able to buy well man. Cause of all the stuff that you know and smart people will always be able to buy it in two years time at today’s prices if they’re smart about what they’re thinking.

And so we hope that this helps you understand where we are at in the mid cycle is slow down and how that’s working, whether or not you agree with this or not, that’s completely up to you. But just another factor to take into account when you’re investing to help you invest better till we have lower risk. And hope you have a higher potential upside. If your listening to this thinking that yes, I’m really excited about this. Yes I want to start investing. Yes I want to invest using a strategy that’s going to allow me to create financial freedom but you need a little bit of help getting there or finding the right properties. Then Ben and the team have a pumped on property are offering free strategy sessions to you where you can sit down on the phone with them, talk about where you’re at and get clear on what are the next steps that you need to take to start taking action and start moving towards your goal of financial freedom. So going on property.com dot a u you can read about those free sessions over there. You can book a time that suits you and yeah, that’s it from us. We wish you the absolute best in your property investment journey wherever you decide to invest or whether you decide to wait for the next couple of years or whether or not you jump on a free strategy session tomorrow. Wish you the absolute best until next time. Stay positive.