The Hardest Thing About Property Investing
The hardest thing about property investing is definitely taking the first step.
Like anything, taking the first step into investing in property feels scary and risky, mainly because we don’t know what is going to happen when we do.
At CashFlow Investor we understand that the thing holding most people back from being successful in property is that first step. Most people never make money by investing in property because they never begin investing in property. That is why it is our goal to help you buy your first positive cash flow investment property.
There are loads and loads of resources out there on how to generate a full time income from investing in property, but most of them fail to address to biggest issue, getting started.
How We Want To Help You Take The First Step
We believe the first step can be more easily overcome with the help of education, encouragement and empowerment.
Education – We want to help educate you on the different aspects of property investing and what to look out for. That is exactly what this blog and our email newsletter is for. The more you know about investing in property the less scary it will be. We will also be interviewing everyday investors and learning through their triumphs and failures.
Encouragement – Often we never take the first step because no one is encouraging us to take the first step. Instead everyone seems to be pointing out why we shouldn’t invest in that property. I have set up a facebook group at so that we can all encourage each other to take the first step.
Empowerment – Later on we will be creating tools that will empower you to be a property investor. Online property analysers, checklists, inspirational audio programs, email courses and maybe (just maybe) some joint venture programs. All with the goal of empowering you to take the first step.
Taking the first step is hard, that is why we want to make it as easy as possible for you. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask them.